Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 3) T O T H E AUTHOR AND HIS RELATIONS. CHAP. L HEN the Confutation of the Treatife of Tranfubflantiation was in the Prefs, this Book carne tomy notice, written, if the Stile may go for Proof, by thefame Au- thor: It is conjeftured that your Name is Mr. w. Hutchinfou of Lincoln!hire, fume- time of Qeens col/edge in Cambridge ; and that it is in- deed your neareff Relations whom you fo earneflly la- bour to pervert : Your stile perfwadeth me that you are feriorrs, and verily think that your way is right : And I fuppofe you fee that we alfo are as confident ofthe truth of our Profeflion, as you arc of yours : The Queflion is, whether it be your Zeal, or ours, that is according to Knowledge ? A 2 The