Baxter - BX1763 B28

('3$ ) rant, having an Indefinite Commifiion to gopreach thà Gofpel to ail theworld as far asthey wereable. Though the ancient',Fathers ufed to call them Bifhops becaufe pro tempere they Ruled (perfwafively) where they came Though indeed their work was to fettle Churches and Bifhops, and not to be fettledBifhops themfelves.. 3. Paul was certainly and long at Rome, and liker to be as a Bithop there ofthe two : If Paul was not one, peter wasnot ; for there is no more, but lefs proofof his Government there. IfPaul was one, then one City had two, contrary to the old Canons. q.. There is no proof that Peter's being le at Rome gave his Power to all or any following Bifhops of Rome, any more than to the Bifhops of Antioch who are laid to fucceed him in his firfl Bifhoprick ; or any more than Chrifts dying at 7erufalem, the Mother Church, did fix. theSupremacie there : or any more than the other eleven Apofiles did leave their power which they had above all ordinary Bifhops, to the places where they abode (either laff or fiat.) If Peter's dying Bithop at Rome prove fuch a fucceffion ofUniverfal Monarchy, the afore laid Succeflîons will be proved by the fame Reafon, which yet none affirm : Even Alexandria claimed but from St. mark whowas lets than thirteen Apofiles': But no refla- ment ofPeter declaring any conveyance of fuch a Monar- chy is pretended by thePopes (which is a wonder :) Nor anyword that ever he ufed offuch importance. 5. I have chewed that General Councils (Caked. and Conflant.) have declared that Romes primacy had a later humane rife. Yet would they haveexercifed no other Government than St. Peter did, the world would not have been troll.: bledby themas they havebeen. VI. the