Baxter - BX1763 B28

(139) VI. The Papitls feem not refolved themfelves whether the Pope have an Univerfal Apofllefhip or te£ching office, As well as theUniverfal Monarchy or Government. ThoughBellarmi; e fay that he fucceedeth not Peter as an 4tioftle, but as a Pa.Ftor ; yet molt others that I have teen medling with it, fay otherwife. If he fucceed not in the Apoftlefhip, he is no true Succeffour of St. Peter at all, in any fuperemience of Power : For what hehad was as an Apoftle : If he do, then he is bound to go preach himfelf to the Nations of theworld as peter was : To fendothers to preach, and not do it him- felfwas no Apofllefhip : They were fent themfelves. Da- vid and Solomon fet up Priefts, and yet were themfelves no Priefts : Ifezekiah and Torah tent and fet up Preachers, and yet undertooknot that office themfelves. VII. This Pope claimeth the foie sower ofcalling Gene ral Councils of all the Chriftian world (yet never did it) .Andconfequently ofbeing the fudge when any /ball %_call ed, and fo whether ever there (ball be an7 or not. And though former General Councils voted that they fhould be every ten years, yet he prevaileth to the contra- ry. VIII. Alfa he claimeth the foie power of prefding in fuch Councils, and alp ofmaking their Decrees either valid by his approbation or null or invalid by his Reprobation, .,s he pleafe : fo that nothing that they Decree is offorce but a/s it pleafeth him ; whence u,e have diJlinc`t Catalogues ofAp- ,proved andReprobate Councils. Yet no mortal man knoweth oftentimes howmuchof a Councils A`Is and Decrees the Pope approveth. When Martin the fifth had contented to all done by the Coun- cil of Conftance, the word CConciliariter a: aJ feemed to the Council to mean [all that they did de f io qs S 2 Council.;