Baxter - BX1763 B28

(I4') 6 G againff the cleareíf light of Gofpel Verity, againft all' Authority ofAntiquity, and againfl the undoubted faith GG and judgment of theOrthodox Church it felf.] ( And yet our Papifts would perfwadeus that theirGrandfathers, much lefs great General Councils cannot bring inNovel. ties on pretenfe of Antiquity, and miflead them.) Truly faid Lud. hives, in Augufl. de Civ. Dei1.20. C.26 [` ` Thole " are taken by them for Edits and Councils which make "for them; the reff they no more regard than a meet- " ing of Women in a Work-houfe or a Waffling- place.] X. He claimeth a power of Legislation to all the Chri- Pian world, Kings, and States, andjingle Subjects; and that no Kings can nullifie his Laws to their own Subjects 4s alfo the power of receiving 4ccufations and Appeals, and of judging and executing accordingly. This needeth no proof, being not denyed. XI. He claimeth power to Interdict whole Kingdoms that is, when they think the Rulersgive them Caufe ; to forbid thepreaching of the Gofpel and publick wor(hip of God, to all the People of the Land; yea forbidding the Cler;ie who are Subjects to obey their own Princes who pall command them (as the Kings of Ifrael did the Pries and Levites) to do their offices. That is, Ifthe State or King offend them, they will be avenged: on God by denying him all Publick Wòr- fhip, and to the fouls of millionsof innocent people: by doing their worfl to fend them!to Hell, (where the un- believing ignorant, and thofe that worihip. not God; muff go..) The inffances in Gerneany, and the Vexteti. an Interdif and others are too full proof oftheir Claim andPraice. XII. ThePope claimethpower; even by the Decrees of an approved: