Baxter - BX1763 B28

('43) XVI. By thefame Council he hathpower to dífpenfe with the Oaths of all the suhjec1s of ;uch Princes, and to difob- lige them, howmanyfoever, from their Allegiance 5 fo that the Popes Power thus to diÚolve the obligation of Oaths is alfo become an Articleof their Religion. I prove all thefe together, by giving you the words of the Council in Englilla. Once again ( though I have oft. cited them) c. r. they fay that [ " No man can be faxed. " out oftheir Univerfal Church.] And c. 2. that [" The. " Breadand Wine in the Sacrament of the Altar are trail- " fubftantiate into the Body and Blood of Chriif, the. " appearances remaining.] And c. 3. [" We excommu- nicateand anathematize every Herefie extolling it felf " againft this holy Orthodox Catholick Faith, whichwe... "have before expounded, condemning all Hereticks by what Names foever they be called And being con- "demned, let them be left to the prefent Secular Power, or their Bayliffs, to be puniihed, the Clergy being firth " degradedof their Orders. And let the Goods of filch " condemned ones be confifcate, if they be Lay -men 3 " but if they be Clergy-men, let them be given to the " Churches whence they had their Stipends. And thofe " that are found to be noted only by fu(picion, if they do cc not by congruous purgation demonfrrate their inno- "cency,- according to theconfiderations of the fufpicion, and the quality of the perfon, let thembe fmittenwith `` the SwordofAnathema, and avoidedby all men, till they " have given fufficient fatisfac ion; and ifthey remain " year excommunicate let them be condemned as Here. " ticks: And let the secular Powers, in what Of lice foever, " be admonifhed and perfwaded, and if it be necefl"ary, SG compelled by 1Ecclefaflical cenfure, that as theywould` t be reputed and accounted Believers, fo for the defence 6c, of