Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 144 ) 'r of the Faith, they take an Bath pablickly, that they will ." Rudy in good earner, according to their power, to ex- " terminate all that are by the Churchdenoted Hereticks, " from the Countries fubjed to their jurifdidion. So " that when any one (mall be taken into Spiritual or Tempo- " ralPower, he Ihall byhis Loath make good this Chapter. "But :if the Temporal Lord, being admonifhed by the "Church, (hall neglet to purge his Country of hereti- " cal defilement, let himby theMetropolitan, and other "com-Provincial Bifhops be tyed by the bond ofExcom- " munication. And if he refufe to fatisfie withina year, " let itbe fignified to the Pope, that he may from thence- " forth denounce his Vaffals abfolved from his fidelity, " and may expofe his Country to be feized on by Ca- " tholicks, who rooting out the Hereticks may poffefs it "without contradiéion, and may keep it in thepurity "of Faith, Paving the Right of the Principal Lord, fo "be it that he himfelf domake no hindrance hereabout, ".nor oppofe any impediment : And the fame Law is to " be obferved with them that are not Principal Lords. " And the Catholicks that, taking the Sign of the Crofs, ",fhall Pet themfelves to the rooting out of the Hereticks, "Ihall enjoy the fame Indulgences and holy Priviledges "whichwere granted to thole that go to the relief of the "HolyLand. Moreover we decree, That theBelievers, "Receivers, Defenders, and Favourers of Hereticks (hall "be Excommunicate ; firmly decreeing, that after any " fuch is noted by Excommunication, if he refufe to fa- "tisfie within a year, he fhall from thenceforth be ipfo jure, infamous, and may not be admitted to publick " Offices or Councils or to the choice offuch, or to bear " witnefs : And he (hall be inteffate, andnot have pow- er to make a will, nor may come to a fueceffion ofIn- heritance