Baxter - BX1763 B28

(I45) rc heritance : Andno man flail be forced to anfwer him in "anyCaufe but he (hall be forced to anfwer others : And GC if he be a Judge, his fentence (hall be invalid, and no. " Çaufes fhall bebrought to his hearing : If a Notary (or " Regifter) the inftruments made byhim (hall be utterly " void, and damned with the damned Author : And fo " in other like cafes we command that it be obferved. They further command Bithops by themfelves or their Archdeacons or other fit perlons, once or twice a year to fearch every Pariah where any Heretick is found to dwell, and to 'put all the Neighbourhood to their Oathes, whether they know of any Heretieks there, or ofanyprivate meetings, or any that in life and manners do differfrom theCommon Converlation of the faithful, &c. And the Bithops that neglect this are to be caff out, and others put into their places that will do them. Here you fee that no man muff live on Earth (for all Kingdoms muff be fubjeEt to the Pope) that will not re- nounce his humanity and animality or common fenfes, and declare himfelf below a Beaft, That all Kings are the Popes Subjects, commanded by him, and muff take a new Oath when they are crowned to deffroy all their Subjects that believe their fenfes ; That even the fuf- pefted are undone ifthey prove not the Negative : That Princes mutt be a thoufand fold worle than. hang-men, who hang not whole Countries but a few condemned MaleaRtors That Popes can and mutt depofe Kings, and Lords that will not do fuch things as thefe, andgive their Dominion to others : That the fign of theCrofs is theCrofs Makers fign : That all the promifes of the par- don and -häppinefs that were made to the invaders of the holy Land are given tothofe Wretches, that when they have lived in fiithinefs and wickeduefs will, expiate it