(I46) it by murdering the innocent i(as theydid fay Hif}orians, by above an hundred thoufand.) This is the Roman way to heaven. That the very favorers of there men that will not renounce humanity are to be all() utterly ruined. That (as in the Tapan perfecution of the Chri ftians) all the neighbour-hood muff be Sworn todetect them ? And the office of a Bifhop is to feeall this done And now if youwill fee you fee how the Church of Rome is upheld, and propagated : And what the Reli- gion called Popery is ? And confider whether as Angels andSaints are near of Kin, or like in tlifpof.îtion, it be not fo alfo with Devils and wicked men: And whether all Proteffants be not Dead men in Law, or condemned, where the Papal Religion and Laws, are received: And what will follow hereupon. And befides Gregory the firf}'s Declaration in his Ro- man Councils before mentioned, he faith inEpif . 7.1.4.. Ec" And for the confpiracyofHereticks and the King, we "believe it is not unknown to you that are near them how it may be impugned by the Catholick Bifhops 4` and Dukes ; and many others in the German parts : t` For the faithful of the Church ofRome are come to "fuch a number, that unlefs the King (hall come to fa- " tisfatfion, they may openly profefs to chufe another "King ; and obferving Juflice, we have promifed " to favour them, and will keep our promife firm, cc &c. XVII. The Pope, though pretending to be the infallible fudge of Controverfies, doth toleratehis snortfamous Learn- edDot tors, in treat numbers, without any Condemnation or dirooming, to write that excommunicate Icings are no Icings, and may lawfullybe killed, as forne fay by the Popes content or direction, or as others fay, without it. Henry