Baxter - BX1763 B28

(I53) x. The holyScripture is all de fide, that is, a Divine Revelation to be believed : The Popes tolerated Tranfla- tions that differ in manyhundred places, or that erred fo oft ; andCommentators that differ in manyhundred Texts as to theExpofition ; yea, they tolerate thofe that deny the immaculate conception of the Virgin, after a General Council hath defined it. 2. He tolerateth vaft Volumes of Theological Diffe- rences, in the School Donors. 3. He tolerateth all the Moral Dollrines for murdering Kings before mentioned, and all thofe cited by Mr. Clark- fon in his Prwtical Divinity of the Church of Rome, andall thofe mentioned in the Provincial Letters, and the Jefu ites Morals, about Murder, Adultery, Perjury, Lying, fel- dom loving God, not loving him intenfively above all, &c. See my Key, &c. p. 59. 4. He tolerateth abundance of Religious Seas, Jefu ites, Augutinians, Francifcans, Carthufians, &c: who differ from each other in their ferving God, as much as many of the Seas of Proteftants, who are defpifed for their difcord. XXVIII. He pretendeth a neceffity to the ending of Controverfies that he be the fudge, and yet will not end them by his Judgment, but continueth many hundred un- decided. If wedifpute with a PapiĆ­t, and cite the Scriptures, they ask us prefently, who Jhall be fudge of the mean- ing of them? As if the Pope would decide all : And yet to this dayhe will neither write any deciding Commen- tary on the Bible, nor on one Book of it ; nor end the Controverfies among his own Commentators. Nor will lie end anyof the fore-mentioned Controverfies in Mora- lity, of great importance. t1 XXIX. He