Baxter - BX1763 B28

(157) Teftimony againfh Popery, and therefore Popery was not confirmed by them. For inftance, St. Martin is by his Difciple and Friend sulpiti,ls severru affirmed tohave done more Miracles than I have ever credibly read done by any fine the Apoftles : I fcarce except Gregory Iveo- cxfar: And yet, whereas the Papal Councils give high priviledges, ofpardon, &c. to thofe that will take the Crois to kill the Waldenfes, and compel Princes to it, and uphold-their Kingdom by fuchmeans, St. Martin fepa- rated to the death from the Synods and Bishops about him, for Peeking the Magiftrates Sword tobe drawn a- gainfl even Prifcillian Gnoflicks, and he profeffeth that an Angel appeared to him and chaftifed him fharply for once communicating with the Bishops at the motionof Maximus, whenhe did it only to fave mens lives, that were condemned as Prifcillianifts. Here are Miracles againfl the veryPillars ofPopery. So alfo the Egyptian Monks were the molt famous for Miracles of any People. And yet (as their Miracles were no confirmation of the errour of theAm'hropomor- phites which their frrnplicity and rafhnefs involved them . in, fo) they renounced -Communion with the Church of Rome, and therefore confirmed it not by their Mi- racles. How few Chriftians be there on Earth, if none are fuch but thofe that by known Popiili miracles believed the Pope to be infallible before they believed that there was a Chrif} ? And thus theymuff believe him to be Infallible not as Pope, but fomewhat elfe : For to be Pope, is to be [Chrifis pretended vicar : ] And to believethat he is au- thorized or Infallible as Chrifts vicar, before they believe there is a Chriilt, is a mad-mans contradiction and impofh- ble,