(159.) to the higher Powers, and give honour to whom honour is due, the Pope as far as he is able exempteth all his Clergie from the Government of the Magiflrate ; yea they arefor- bidden tofall down to Princes, or eat at their Tables, but Emperours mull take them . equals. The fait part is commonlyknown: Caranz. pag. 395. reciteth this Decreeof Pope Nichols, that ["No Lay man muff judgea Prieft, nor examineany thing of his. " life : And no Secular Prince ought to judge thefads of "any Bifhops or Priefts whatfoever. The Eighth General Council at Con lantinople faith, Can. 14. [ " Minifters muff not fall down to Princes, nor a eat at their Tables, nor debafe themfelves to them but Emperours muff take them as equals. XXXIII. The Pope confè(jéth every word of our Obje_. cltive Religion tobe true ; for all his killing and damning us irs Hereticks: Proved before : We-have not a word of our Objective Religion, but the Sacramental Covenant, and its Expo_ fition in the Creed, Lords Prayer, and Decalogue,.:and the. Canonical scripture, which we receive. And they con fefs all this to be infallibly true, and fo juftifie all our Pofitive Religion. XXXIV. The Popes to this day*ill not tell.the Church fo much as what a Chrijtian is, andwhat mug mikea may a Member of their Church, in the Efréntials.'of a. Mem- ber. Of which more anon. XXXV., while the Decrees ofGeneral Councils are made quoad nos theChurches. Fatty, the Pope will never let know hew big oar Faith . mufk be nor when we (hall have all, If every General Council add new Articles (or ma- ny) qr oad no,f; who ' oweth- when, they will have done?