Baxter - BX1763 B28

(id(?) done ? and whether : we have yet half the Chriffian Faith, or not ? XXXVI. The Popes Religion maketh Contradictions ne- ceffary to be believed; that is, irnpo,ábilities. The Contradidions of Tranfubflantiation I have open ed in my [Full SatisffUion] Confirmed General Coun- cils they commonly agreedo make Decrees which muff neceffarily be believed: And it is notorious, that fuch Decrees are Contradictory. The General Council at Confiance confirmed by Martin 5. and that at Bafil con- firmed by Folix . do make it de fide for a Council to be above the Pope. Bin. p. 43.79.96. Conc. Bafil. sell. ult. they fay, E" Not one of the skilful didever doubt, but " that the Pope was fubjed to the judgment of a Gene- CC ral Council in matters of Faith ; and that he cannot " without their confent difíolve or remove a General Council; yea and that this is an'ArticleofFaith, which " without deffrud ionoffalvation cannot be denyed, and " that de fide theCouncil is above the Pope, and that he " is a Heretick that is againft this.] Eugenius altoowned this Council, Bin. ib. p. 42. But the Councils of Florence, and at the Laterane fub ful. 2. andfub Leone to. fay theclean contrary. The 6. Council at Confiant. approved by Pope Adrian is now laidby them to havemany errors. XXXVII. The Pope arrogatetNpoorer to alter the con- fiitutions of the Spirit of God in the holy Scriptures. Proved. The Council of Confiance taking away the Cup faith ["Though in the Primitive Church this Sa- crament was received by Believers under both "" kinds, &c.] yea though Chrift fo inffituted it, yet they altered it. I elfewhere cited Pope Innocents words [By thefislnefs of