(a63) no Popes and where then is the Succe[ìon ? z: And who is it that hath that ordaining Authority ? If fome Bifhops ordain one, and force another, and fo twenty (as they longdid divers in many years Schitor) which of there isthe true Pope ? or is it all? IV. IfPofeffí'on were the Title, then the Turk may be Pope ; or he that can get it by the Sword : Then there can be no Ufurper, but the ffrongeff hath bell Right. 'Then he that kept at Rome had better tide than he that was in Germany, or at Avi &pion. V. If it be the Churches after acceptance then, I. He was an Ufurper before. z Andwhat or who is that Ac- cepting church? Sure they that muff make a Pope of no Pope, by after acceptance, fhould have the antecedent Elehion: Elfe Popes muff all be firff Ufurpers, before they pare true Popes. But, i. If it muff be the major parr` of thechriffian world, then there is no Pope, becaufe two `parts' are againft him. If it muff be one Sea of Chriffians only like thePapiffs, that will but think them- felves theChurch, or better than the reff who is it that can prove their title to thisChoice ? And muff it beAll of them, or but Part? If A'l, r. How (hall we ever know it ? Never fuch a thing was tryed. 2. And then there was no Pope in the 4.0 or 5o years Schifm. If it muff be Part, how fhall we ever knowwhich part it muff be.? If the major or the melior, how (hall it be ever tryed and known in a divifion ? None to this dayknoweth whohad themajor or melior part in many a Schifm. If they fay thatfilent non-oppofition is content. I An-O fwer, That's a knownFalfhòod, when moff men, even a thoufand toone, have neither Call nor Opportunity to fig- nifio theirdifient efFedually ; andwhen no wife men that lovetheir time and-peace, will run toRome by-thoufands Xz out