Baxter - BX1763 B28

(164) out ` of, all Kingdoms, to tell them their diffent. 2. But it was no filent fubmifon, when fëveral Popes were upheldbyfeveral Kingdoms. So that there is no way of certain notice who is the true Pope, but he muff go for the man, as Eugenics 4. did after his Depofition, who can keeppoffefíion, which is no title at all. 2: Yea, I prove certainly, according to their own Prin- ciples, that there is no Pope at Rome, nor hath been for many anhundred years. For they hold themfelves, that the Right muff be . derived: by, an uninterrupted Succeílion from S. Peter, (and call us noMinifters for want of. Succeflion :.) But . that they have no fuch uninterrupted Succeflion is noto- rious. For, r. An Infidel and Heretick Pope, fóopenly judg- ed, can be no Pope : Elfè a Turk might be;Tope. For he that is no Chrif ian, is noChriftian Bifhop. But Popes (before mentioned) have been judged infidels, Hereticks, incarnate Devils. z. A Pope aaually depofed as an uncapable wicked Heretick, by a General Council; was no Pope.: Yet fuch. was Eargenius 4. who yet kept the place, and the reif are his Succeffors. 3. There have been fometimes feveral years without anyPape at all : And if two or three years make no in- terruption, how fhall we knowhow long time doth it ? 4. Raronius, Genebrard, and others aforementioned, confers that for So of them together they were Apoffati- cal, and defer-ve` not to be named among the Popes, be- ing wicked men, made and ruled by Whores, &e. Where then is the fucceffion And if it were poffible for thole at Rome to know that there is a Pope, and to knowwho and which is:he, yet how