Baxter - BX1763 B28

CI") many things which they like not but had rather they were reformed, yet it being not' in their power, and Princes and Magiffrates commanding them the fame, they take conformity to beorderly, and Nonconformity to be unpeaceable and of ill fame ; And ifany ofthe things commanded them prove =' finfül, they hope God will forgive them (for bowing in the house of Rimmon) and will lay it on Popes, Princes and ` Prelates, and not on them that are not bound to ffudy Controverfies ; and whodo what theydo but inobedience and for peace (pre- tenfes that quiet their Confciences in felf faving Confor- mity :) I verily think that the greater part ofthofe called Papiífs in all theworld, are of this felf-fav ngfort. As we fee in all Countries that the greater number are or Teem to be of the Religion of thole in power, be it what it will be. And we ordinarily hear that the common peo- ple will thus talk againft thePopes Doctrines and Prati- ces, and yet quiet themfelveson fuck terms of conformi.. ty as I here defcribe. II. Another fort called Papiffs do believe that the Pope is a meer humane creature alto, not over all the world but in theEmpire and where Princes let him And confequently as men fet him up, men might take him down. But yet that it is an Orderly Inflitution, as Kings and Emperors, and that his place is Lawful, and that it is the duty of the Church to obey him, efpecially when Princes allodo command it : And that men have power from God to make, as National, Provincial, and patriarchal Churches and Rulers, fo allo an Univerfal church and Ruler for Order and Unity fake over many Countries, and that it is good and defirable to thefe ends. Of thefe there are two forts. T. One fort take the Papacie