Baxter - BX1763 B28

(I) 8. Much Idsdo there beginners knowcertinly, what General Councils have decreed to be believed by thofe that will be faxed. That which will be laid to all this is, that It is not ne- ceffary that all men receive their Faith from councils ; it is fuicient if it befrom the Church-real, thoughnotfrom the Reprefentative. 4nf. Very good : i. Elfe no man was a Chrif ian, nor could be, before the firft General Council, which was above 3 0oyears. 2. But frill this anfwereth none of the Contraditi- ons about believing in and from the Pope : May we all take our Faith from the Church-real, without taking it from the Pope, or not ? Ifyea, we may poíhbly be good friends at laft. If not, all the Contradiâions about him are frill upheld by you. 3. And if you muff take it from the Authority and infallibility of the church Real, frill all the Contradicti- ons will follow as if you took it fromCouncils : For can youbelieve that this Church is chrifls church, and hath this power and gift from him, before you believe that he is Chrifc, and that ever he made fuch a gift or promife to them ? q.. And who or what is this Real Church, that muff be frrfi known to be thus impowered and infallible : Is it fonte few, or many, or rm.& it be the moil? If a few or many, you profefs that theymay be Hereticks, and have not that authority or gift. Ifit muff be a11, or the greater part ; 1. Then theChurch of Rome goeth down, that is at moff but a third part. 2.. How íhall every poor man (or any man) know which is the judgment of the major part ? Canhe take theVotes of all the ChriffianWorld? 3. And have all that wereconverted in the Apotles days and