Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 176 ) E. Children is the Pure way of conveying all the matter dG of Faith and Religion ; andyet that the greateft Gene- " ral Councils, which are the Church reprefentative, " C may erre in matter of Faith, and have erred ; unlels a cc Pope (who is fallible) approve of their Decrees. VIL " And when he hath truffed to this way of Tra- " dition, he denyeth the Judgment and 'L radi ion profef- . 6C fed by the greater half or the ChriffianWorld. VIII. " He believeth that all men are bound onpain " of damnation to believe that theSenfes and perception of all men in theWorld are deceived, in apprehending " that after Consecration there is true Bread and Wine in " the Sacrament. And he that will fo believe his own "and others Senfes, should Puffer as an Heretick, and be " rootedout of all the Dominions of all Chriffian Lords `' on Earth. So merciful is he to his Neighbours. For an approved General Council hath decreed this, and fuch Councils are his Religion. Were it his own Father or Mother, Wife or Child, that cannot thus re nounce all his own and other mens Senfes, and believe that there is no Bread orWine in fpight of his fight, taffe, touch, &c. he believeth that they fhould be burnt H'reticks, or exterminated. He may be a good nie- tctr'd man that is loth it fhould be fo ; or he maybe one that is ignorant of his own Religion, and doth not knowthat this is one Article of Popery ; or he may be an unconfcionable man, that will not obey that whichhe knoweth to be his Religion ; or he may be unable to exe- cute fuch Laws : But it is hts Religion to believe that he ought to do it. IX. " If he be a Temporal Lord of a Proteflant Coun- " try, it is part of his Religion to take himfelf obliged to " root out, deffroy,or burn all hisProteftant Subjects, and 4' all others that denyTranfubftantiation. Obj.