Baxter - BX1763 B28

(Iói Ic tory, to make fatisfadion to Gods Juflice for fonie "Sins, notwithflanding Chrifts fufficient fatisfaCion. XXVII. " Expe&ing to go to theFlames ofPurgato- ec ry when they dye, they cannot poffibly bewilling to " leave this World, and confequently muff be world- lings, and never truly willing todye. For the bafefl "conditionon Earth will feem to themmore defirabll " than Purgatory. XXVIII. " They think that theFlames of Purgatory "doperfet mens preparation for Heaven : whereas he " is readiefl for Heaven that is likefl to thofe in Heaven " and mofl holy, and that is they that moll love God ! "And they that are angry here withevery one that hurt- "ethhim, and do not think that tormenting men will cc win their love, yet look that the torments of Purgato- " ry fhould help us to love God, better than all the mer- " cies on Earth v ill do. XXIX. "The generality of Papifls believe a fallible "Prieft, or Printer, or fuch other perfon, telling them CC what is the Faith of the Univerfál Church, and yet " think that this is an InfallibleFaith. XXX. "A Papift is one that layeth his hopes offal- " vation upon his belief of and obedience to a Pope cc whichby their own Principles is no Pope, and a Ge- " ncral Council which is no General Council, never was, " nor never will be 5 and on his Communion with a " CatholickChurch which is no CatholickChurch, but a a Serf. All which hath been proved already,, and more!hall be. I have told you in part what we take a Papifl tobe; Some things, before mentioned in the defcription. ofa Pope, have been hereneceffarily repeated. CHAP,