Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 184 ) " sef f, ult. fading [No one of the skilful didever doubt; " but that the Pope was fubjed to the Judgment of a "General Council, in things that concern Faith, &c.] "And others Payingthe clean contrary : As alfo in divers tG other things. XI. " It was for above forty. years, fometimes two, " fometimes three churches, inftead of one : For the " Headbeing an effential part, two or three Heads make " as manyChurches. XII. " It is at this day divers Churches really, as to " the Form, that are by the ignorant fuppofed tobe one: "Two or three Forms andPartes Imperantes, beingeffen- " tial, make as manyChurches, though the fubjets live " mixt. The fumma Pote(#.0 is a conflitutive effential " part. Some called Papifts take the Pope for thefuming " Poteff.u, and fome a council, and fome both conjunct, " and force the Church real .or diffufed through the " World, XIII. " It is a Church made upof a tolerated hodge- " podge of manySeas, force utterlyuncapable Members, "fo theydo but ferve the Pope. I haveMewed out of many Doctors cited by Sancta Clara that many that believe not in Chri& are oftheir Church. He faith himfelf pag. 113. (Dean, Nat. Grat.) [" What is clearer than that at this Day, the Gofpel u bindeth not, where it is not authentically preached ; " that is, that at thisDay men maybe faved without an " explicite belief of Chrift ? For in that fence fpeaks "theDonor concerning the Jews: And verily what e- "ver my Hilarious Matter hold, with his learned Ma- "iter Herera, I think that thiswas the Opinion ofSCOW, "and the CO MMON one, citing many that fol- low it. And