And that men that hold all , the different Opinions its the 7ejuites .Morals, and the Schoolmen, betides many various ReligiousSeas, make up their Church, is not denyed. XIV. " it is aChurch that pretendeth to have a judge "and end of Controverfies 5 but indeed hath a Judge «that for themofi part dare not decide them, and that cc can makeno endof them whendecided. For infhance, the Controverfie of theVirgins imma- culate conception decidedat Baf1, is never the nearer an end. Images were decreed up by fome councils, and, down by others. Even S. Yt5omas flood not to the fe-- condCouncil ofNice about ImageWoríhip. The vari- ous councils that decreed varioufly for and againíf a Coun- cils supremacy, never themore ended the ftrife. And indeed it is fohard to know approved from repro- bate Councils, andwhat parts of them thePope meant to approve, and what not, (as by Popemartin 5. his cons ciliariter appeareth) that there is nocertainty, and no end. XV. " It is a Church that hath almoff laid by theanci- " ent Difcipline of Chrifts appointment, and inifead of " it hath fet up partly Auricular Confeffion, when it " Mould be Publick, and partly a tyrannical fort ofho-,, ." ffile proclaiming their Adverfaries excommunicate without hearing them, andforbiddingGods Wordand ' Worthip to whole Kingdoms. Saith LearnedAlbajpineus a Bifhop, Obferv.. i. pag. r. [If ever any one in this Age was deprived ,of Communion (which I know not whether it ever fell out) it was only from the receiving of the Eucharifl : in the otherparts of his lire he retained the fame familiarity and converfewith other Believers, which he had before be was excomrnuni- tcated. A a XVI. "It