Baxter - BX1763 B28

0861 XVI. "It is a Church that is upheld by Flames and et Blood, dilcrufting the ancient Difcipline, andthe meer ." Protetionof the liagil rate, and the proper work of "his Office. The forefaid 12. General Council at Laterane proveth it, befides Inquifitions and bloodyExecutions. XVII. "It is a Church that cheriíheth ignorance in the matters of Salvation. Proved, I. By forbidding the reading of the Scrip- tures tranfated, without Licence. z. Their Prayers in nunknown Tongue. 3.; The quality of their common- eft Members. 1, XVIII. " It is a church that militateth agairift Chrifti- ce an Love. x. By their forefaid condemning the moft of Chriflians. 2. By the forefaid bloody Religion and Execution. XIX.. " It is a Church which hathoften damned it felf, one Pope and Council damning others. As is proved. XX. " It is a Church which indeed is no Church, ac- 4C cording to their own Rules ; thePope indeed being no " Pope, and the General Councils no General Councils, " (a/s is proved.) And ifit were one, it could not pofibly be certainly known to be !fo ; becaufe the Pope, t. ; ho " is an effentiating part, cannot be certainly known. As is provedboth as toElehion, Ordination, and all that is necelfary to a Right and Title. As to the Dotrines which they hold contrary to the Scriptures, I have named many ofthem elfem-here, (in my Key, pag. 39. 14.2, 43) &c.) And others more largely. And thus I have toldyouwhat I take a Pope, a rapi(t tcnd the Papal church to be. Butyou muft remember that S the.faine man may be a vihble' Chriltian or Member