Baxter - BX1763 B28

c` know that we are juftified byChrift, and to tru$ the cc fufficiency of his Sacrifice, Merits, and Interceffion 6G and to beliëVe, that when we are abfent from the body cc w'e fhail be prefent with theLord, .2 Cor. 5. I.7, 8. and sc to delire to depart and be withChrift, Phil. I. 21. But yours leaveth a rìnanuncer-tain of his Juffification : For you moftly deride 'itch diftinguifhed Fundamentals, as (received) effentiate a juftiftéd Chriftian': And your DQ- ¿ìors lay all mens neceffary Religion, and fo their Peace, upon their receipt of fo much truth :s hath been authenti- c Ily propofed to them whereas no man living is certain that he hath received fo much as hathbeen fo propofed All men are guilty of negleding force fuch Propofal at one time or other : And gradual negle&s the bell are guilty of. And you cannot afcertain men what is an au- thentickProppfal. You alfo tell men of the necellity of their own fattsfaaims for the fin that Chrift forgiveth, . and that in theFire of Purgatory ; fo that (as is laid be- fore) none fúch can dye comfortably, that look to go hence into fuch a Fire, where torment may make it hard to you to love God that tormenteth you. It is a fpirit of bondage that feemeth toachateyour very aufterities, and to turn yourReligion into ftxperftitious tasks of leif-made Services Ceremonies, and expeáations of the expiating Flames in Purgatory:: But you iliew too little of.the Spi- rit ofado?7tion, o fpower, loveand a found mind, 2 Tirn.I.7. ofrióhteoufnefs, peace cindjoy in the .Holy Ghof, Roma, 14. rerrour and ,Torments are temptations to you to delire themilerableft life on Earth (much more a life of plea- fure) rather thanto dye, when fuchFlames must next follow. XV. ". We offer God fuchWorfhip as we can prove tz by his Word that he eo iunandeth°,and accepteth and "fuc