Baxter - BX1763 B28

(192 ) fuchreafonable fervice in.fpirit and truth, which is not u unfuitable to the Father ofSpirits, and God of wifdom ; « yet Wing all reverent and decent behaviour of the bo- ady as welt as of:themind. But it would be hard to number over all the Humane inventions of Formalities, and Rites, ..andCcr4monies,, and Images, and other arbi- trary external things,. by which you have corrupted the Worfhip of God, and hid thebody inyour new faihionn ed Cloathing, which you pretended to adorn ; And as worldlyminds do cumber themfelves, as IW4rtha, with many unneceffary things, and then fay, ,[Is it not lawful to do this and : that? j while they hereby alienate the thoughts, dfelions, and time, which fhould be laid out on the one thing needful ; fo do you in Gods Worfhip make fuch abundance of work with your Ceremonies, for thoughts, afeClions ;.4nd time, as maketh it verydifficult to give the great and fpiritual part ofWorfhip its proporti- on, (far beyond what Augujiine Epifi. ad januar. fo much complainedof in his time :) and then think you juftifie all, ifyou can fay, How prove you this or that unlawful ? As if your Servant should inftead of his work play at Cards molt of theday, and ask you [How you prove it un- lawful?] You never well ftudyed z cor. I i. 3. [1 fear lefi by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his fubtilty, fo your minds fhould be corruptedfrom the fimpli- city that is inchrifi,] nor Col. z. 18, 19, 20. 22)23. nor Ail. 15.28. nor Rom. 14 and I5., nor 'Ph. 4. 20) 2I. An ignorant Woman let upon Chrift, .jufh s you pervert all holydifcourfe, with turning all to [Which is the true church?] Our Fathers worJhipped in this Mountain, and yefay that in Jerufalem is theplace where men /hould wor- jiip : But. Chrift anfwereth:yöu in her, The true worfhip- pers jhali t oribip the father in fpirit,,and in truth : For the Father