Baxter - BX1763 B28

i Patherfeeketh fuck toworthip him : God is a Spirit,' &c,] Thofe that byCuftom be not ingaged in your wayof nu., merous Formalities andbodily actions, can hardly think that you are fpiritually and ferioullyworfhipping. God; or can believe that Infinite Wifdom would be pleafed with fuch things as I am loth to denominate or de-, fcribe. XVI. " Our Religion teacheth us that without Holi ." nefs none dial' fee God, and none but the Pure in `.` Heart and Life arebleffed, and ifanyman have not the 4 fanaifying fpiritofChrifl he is none ofhis : and that Godmuff be loved above all, and our treafure, heart? "and converfation muff be in Heaven, and none but "Saints are faved. I think you deny none of this;. And yet youCanonize a Saint as if he were a wonder or rarity,, and you call a few fequeftred Votaries Religious, as if all that will be faved muff not be religion. And your Doctors are permitted to teach all that's cited in the yefuites Morals, and Mr. clarkfon fore-cited : Even that it is not commanded, that God be intendvely loved above all, Tolet. li. 4. de znflru t. Sacerdot. c. 9. fee our Morton .49o- log. part 1.1. 2. C. 13. Stapleton 1.6. de Tuflif. c. lo. ïTa- lent. I. de Potts c. 3. EThis ¡recept of loving God with all the mind, is doctrinal, not obligatory,] fee myKey, chap. 33534. 38. And yet you have the Fronts toperfwade men that we are for only imputative Holinefs, and againft ood works. XVII. " Our Religion is for:increafing true praticai "knowledge in all men, by all our induftry, as know- " the Father of. Lights faveth us by illumination "and therefore weare for all mens reading or hearing ,the holy Scriptures , and worfhipping God in a, known cc tongue.: But yet with the help ofthe skilfullef Teach-' B b cc ens,