(194.) ers. The Prince of .darknefs leadethmen in the dark todo theworks of darknefs, that theymay be caft into outer darknefs. How the cafe is with yours I have be- fore (hewed. XVIII. " Our Religion is for fo much failing and au- "frerities as is truly neceflàry to the fubduing of Pride, " Worldlinefs, or flefhly lues, or to exprefs our felf-abafe- " ment in due times ofhumiliation, (prefcribed by .4u- " thority onpublick occafions, or difcerned by our (elves in "private ;) and fomuch as is truly helpful tous inGods " fervice, or our preparations for death. But howmuch youhave turned thefe into unreafonable Ceremony, and howmuch into a pretended fatisfa6tion toGods Jufrice by punifhing our felves, as if our hurt delighted. God when it tends not to our healing, I than not now fray to open. See Dalhe, s de P'nis, Indulgentis, & de 7ejuniis, of it at large. XIX. " Our Religion teacheth us that all that truly " believe in, and are heartily devoted toGod the Father, " Son, and Holy Ghofr, as their God, and Saviour, and " San lifier, forfaking the Devil, the World, and the CC Flesh, should be taken by Baptifmal profefïion hereof "into the Church, and (hall be faved, if they provenot " Hypocrites or Apofrates : And that we muffjudgemen CC by this their Profeflîon, till they plainly or provedly " nullifie it, fizppofìng every man, under God, to be the "bee Judgeof his own heart. But your Religion teachethyou to hold and fay, that if men are never fo fully perfwaded in themfelves that they truly love God and .holinefs, and are thus devoted to him, yea and if their lives exprefs it, yet if theybe sot Papifrs, they are all deceived, and none but Papifrs fQ.