Baxter - BX1763 B28

(9) explicatory Symbols or Summaries, are delivered to us two ways : Firft by Memory and Practice molt currant and certain from Generation to Generation, being no more than what Memory might well retain, whereto yet the helps of the Ancients writings reciting the Forms were ufed for the fuller certainty of Pofterity. Second- ly in the holy scriptures, where they are contained (as the Brain, Heart, and stomach, in the Body) among all the reit as the Principal Parts. The third form b. fo large that Memory could not preferve it, and therefore God would have it delivered us in that Writing which we all call the Sacred Bible, or Canonical Scripture. This containeth thoufands ofwords more than are of ab- folute necefïity toSalvation ; but no more than is ufeful or helpful toSalvation. In all this I have Ibewed you what our Religion is, (otjeiively taken) andwhich way we receive it. Where you are therefore tonote, z. That all our Sermons, Wri- tings, Church - Articles, &c. are but the Expreffions ofour subjeclive Religion, telling other Menhow parti- cular Men, and particular Churches, underftand thole Divine Forms which are our objective Religion : There are various as Churches and Perlons are, every one ha- ving his own Faith and Religion in different meafures, and fuch expreflions being but our fides menrarata may be altered and amended, and we pretend not to perfeti- on in them : But the former being our fides vel Religia menfurans, our Divine ObjectiveFaith or Religion, is inculpable and unalterable. 2. Note thatyore Papifts dogrant all our Objei`tiveFaith and Religion, even every word ofit, to be true, infalli- ble, and ofGod : You own, I fay, every wordofour Re- ligion : That is, all theSacramental Covenant, all the B creed,