Baxter - BX1763 B28

k011/1./IN TAID1210 aK EXAMINED, &c. Mong many Books that lately came forth, of fomewhat the like tendency , there is one cal- led [ A Rational.Difcoùrfe concerning Tranfuh- fantiation , in a Letter to a Ferfon of Honour, from a Malter of Arts of the Unniv e sof onoudgth t Alas, for theunhappinefs ofthofe P have fuch Teachers and Counfellors as this ! could they, have no better ? or would they not ? If they chofe them their mifery is,jufc. The Title Paraphrafed is [ARational Difcourfemain, Sen(e.] But the Efrain of this, and abundance Written, by Men of the like ingeny, tell us convincingly, that while they diffruff all their Senfes, andwould have all the World diftruft them, and deny them,. they are fo con- fident oftheir Thinking,inventing, and Talking Faculties, that theydare fet them in Battel againfc the Senfes of all Mankind,and cherifh force hopes toget theVictory. And verily, it is a wonderful vikory that fuch Mens Tongues havegot already, if all the Princes, Lords, Doóors, and all other People that go for Papif}s, do really believe Tranfubfcantiation 5 and ifforce be not in the right, who think that there is not one hearty and compleat Papiff in theWorld, unlefs impliciteBelievers maybe called fuch, who believe as the Church cloth, though they know not A a what 5