Baxter - BX1763 B28

(2) what ; but that the Mafters of the Game are but the Ma- kers or Predicants of a Faith for others, whichnever was their own, and that they generate but their like, e- ven worldly diffemblers, and convert onlyMens Tongues by the power of the Sword, and not their Hearts by all their Oratory., And I muff confefs, that when I have heard a prophase Swearer, Curfer, Railer, Drunkard, Whoremonger , plead for Tranfubflantiation, I have thought of peaceable Melanctbon's words [ rau Italians maintain that Chrifl is in the Sacrament, whenyou believe not that he is in Heaven.] But the devout words and confidenceof this *tier of Arts maketh me think that he believeth himfelf, and that diffembling is not the Art that he is Mailer of; but though he be as he faith [ Non ignara mali ] yet he may be Ignarus mall, ignorant of his Error and of the Mifchief which he would do. Indeed if Men will needs believe that Night is Day, and Day is Night, we might fatisfie our felves with our compafiion for their weaknefs, with- out any importunate publick contradition ; but our cafe with fuch Men as this, is fuch as prohibiteth fuch patient filence : For, the fame Religion which teacheth them to deny the senfes of Mankind, doth teach them to Extermi- nate, Burn, Excommunicate, and Damn all thofe that will not do as theydo, but will believe their Senfes ; and alfo to depofe thofe Temporal Lords that will not extermi- nate fuch from their Dominions. Two things yet I muff note, that make me doubt whe- ther the Author be fo honeff in his dealing as I could with him, and as a Man that talketh of God and yefüs Chrifl fhould be. r. That he foblindly, or fraudulently flateth the Queffion. 2. That he taketh fo little notice of the Books and Arguments that areWritten a.gainfl his Caufe, as