(3) as if they needed no Anfwer, when we fuppofe that they have put theError ofTranfubffantiation fo far part all ra- tional doubt, that it is fcarce pothble for a Man that hath underftandingly, and ferioufly read them, to believe it : It is but lately that a fmall Book, on that Subje6t, was publifhed by R. Baxter, Dedicated to the Duke ofLauder- dale, called, [ Full and eafe fatisfaclion, which is the true Religion, ] which all the Papifts in the World can never give a rational Anfwer to and therefore this Man dare fcarce take notice offuch, left it thould bring them to the notice ofhis Reader. But doth he think that we mull not know that his Book is Anfwered before it was Writ- ten, becaufe he will take no notice of it? or muff we therefore repeat the fame things again ? The Roman Article of Faith is, that [ There is a changemade of the whole fubftance of the Bread into the Body of Chri(l, and of the whole fulltance of wine into his Blood ] fo that our Controverfie with there_ hath two parts. i. Whether after Confecration there be no lone ger Bread or Wine? 2. Whether that which was Bread and wine is then turned into the very Flefh andBlood of Chriff? Now this Rational Difcourfer confoundeth thefe together, and in his progrefs dealeth fo little with the firft part, as ifhe were afraid that it thould be taken no- tice of. The Reader muff farther note. r. That it is none of our Controverfie [whether the whole fubílance of the Bread andwine be Relatively changed into the Repretenta- tive Flefh andBlood of Chrift which he once had, and offer- ed in sacrifice for us on the Crofs, as the Lambof God tbat taketh away the fins of the world ; For, this is our Do,, Brine: ] But it is, whether there be a phyfical change ofthe fiuhj%ance of the Bread andwine into the naturalfaVante o]