Baxter - BX1763 B28

4) of the Flefi and Blood of Chrifi which is nowglorified. 2. That the Controverfie is not at all of the Real Pre- fence of ChristsglorifiedBody, whether it be in this or that place, or not ? but whether the Bread and wine be chan- ged into it ? For, many Proteftants ( Lutherans, and o- thers) do profefs thatwe have no certain clear Concepti- on ofthe nature of a glorified Body ; and confequently as they cannot judge of theLocality and Prefenceofa Spi- rit, fo neither ofthe Locality and Prefence of a spiritual Body They know not whether the now prevailing Phylofophy benot true, that Light is a Body, and Solar Light is the emanant fubftanceofthe Sun it felf, whofe Center is in theHeavens : And if its very fubftance be fo extenfive as to fill all theAir betwixt Heavenand Earth, ( andmore,) and if the Light ofan hundredCandles can be all together in one Room, they areuncertainwhat are the Limits of Chrifts Spiritual Body, or whether it be either of a more ignoble nature than theSun, or of lets extent : And molt of theGreek Fathers thought Spiritual Bodies (if not Spirits themfelves) were Fire. And as our Senfe or Reafon cannot tell us whether or no there be now an Angel in this Room, fo neither can either of them tell us whether Chrifts Spiritual Body behere This therefore they leave to God that knoweth it, andwill have to be no no part of the Controverfie. r . For the firíl part, whether there be true Breadand Wine after confëcration, as many others have fullyproved the affirmative, fo particularly the forefaid Author brief - ly path proved it pall all rational denyal. i. From the senres of all Mankind ; an Argument fortified by twen- ty fubordinate convincing Arguments again,fl the deny- ,ers of Senfe ; where the Papiíls Anfwers are refuted. 2. He luth proved theCoutradielions of the Doc` nine of Tran-