Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 5 ) Tranfubffantiation. 3. He hath fhewed that the Igo- étrine of Tran('ubflantiation afferteth one and thirty Mi- r icles, with twenty miraculous aggravations ; and hath fully proved from Scripture that thefe Miracles are fiaiti- ous. 4. He filth proved from many exprefs Texts of Scripture, that it is Bread after the Confecration. 5. And alto that the Scripture it felf Both fully teach us to ex- pound This is my Body, as we do, and not as the Papif s do. 6. Heproveth that thevery natureof a Sacrament, even, as Aquinas defineth it, is inconfiftent with Tran- fubitantiation. 7. And Lally, he proveth the Novelty ofyour Doftrine, and that the antient Writers were a- gainft it ; which Al6ertinw, Pet. Molinæus de Novil. Pa- pifmi, the late Morning Lel ores ofthe Nonconformifts a- gainft Popery, and many others have proved at large. But there thingsour Difcourfer Rationally diffembleth, left ifhe lhould anfwer them it would appear to be no Ratio- nal Difcourfe. But let ushear what theRationality is which hepretendeth to. His Difcourfe confifteth of three Affertions, and their pretended Proof, and a short Anfwer to fome Scraps of Objection. His firft Affertion is, that [ it is poffible to the Omnipo- tent Power of God, to change the fubftance of Bread and wine into the fiubfiance of our blued Saviour's Body and Blood.] And he faith,that [This his Adverfaries generally grant.] And yet, ifhe know what they fay, he knoweth that they maintain that Tranfubitantiation is a Dotrine ofcontradictions, and that God cannot make two con- tradictories true. They eafilygrant him that God can do every thing which belongeth to Power to do Though. we are not fond of his phrafe [ Omnipotent Powers] no more than of [ zrife wifdorn] or [Strong Strength] or great 11