(6) great Greatnefs,] yet taking his meaning, wegrant that Omnipotency is never flailed with difficulties : Though God cannot lye, nor cannot hate goodnefs, nor love fin, nor make Centradiz1ions true, that is not for want ofPow- er, but becaufe he is perfecî : He cannot be ignorant, or evil ; and he cannot chufe but be God. I f ippofe that he taketh not Chriff's Body, though fpi- ritual, to be meerly, or properly spirit, or ( as they fpeak) immaterial ; and fo that it is none ofhis meaning, that God can turn Bread into immaterial spirit ; which yet I would not have faid that he cannot do : But it is turningone Body into another which he calleth Fallible. And that God can do this by Appofition, or Union, adding one Body to another, I cannot deny : But thefe follow- ing Contradie`Iions we take not for Poflibilities. 1. For one Body tobe turned intoanotherprep exiftent,by appofition, (the Form of thechanged Body ceafing, but not the Matter;) and yet that thepre-exilient Body íhould not be increafedby the appofition, this is a Contradicti- on. As in Numbers, for two tobe added to ten, and yet the Number be mill but ten, is a Contradicion : So for all the Bread that is Confecrated to lofe only its Form, and theMatter to be changed into the Body of Chrif, by appofition, and yet Chriffs Body tobe nobigger,is a Con- tradiáion ; unlefs fome pre-exiffent part of Chriffs Body vanith, and it be diminifhed by lofs, as much as it receiv- eth by appofition. You fay, that by Concoction we our [elves turn Bread and Wine into Fief!) and Blood daily: But note,that the Form onlyof the Bread and Wine ceafeth, and the matter re- ceived' a new Form in us, and by appofition increafeth our Flefh and Blood ; and that our bulk increafeth not al- way, is becaufe fome parts vanith, as others are added and