Baxter - BX1763 B28

(7) andbeing in acontinual Flux orMutation, we 'havelit- tle, if any,of the fame Flefh and Blood this Year, that we had the laft, or a fewYears ago. And doth Chrift's Bo- dy thus change,and receiveaddition and diminution_? or, loth it grow bigger atthe pleafureof the Prieft ? 2. Ifyou fay that this is not your ordinary belief , but that the very Matter, as well as Form of theBread and wine ceafeth ; I add, that it is a Contradiétion, that the. very Matter fhould ceafe to he, and yet be changed into a- nother Body. The ceafing of Matter is Annihilation: And to fay that it is annihilated, and yet changed into a- nother thing, is a:Contradidion : As matter is denomi- natedfrom the Form, when the Form ceafeth, themat- ter -ccaftth tobe the Matter of that Form ; but unlefs annihilated it is fill the Matter of another Forma For one Body to beannihilated, and another to take its place, is not fortheone to be changed into the other. Anni- hilating andTranfubftantiating areContradictory. ;. It is a Contradic4ion for Bread and Wine to be turned into Chrift's FlefhandBlood, and made his Body, wholeBody is not Flefh,or Blood ; unlefs he have twoBo- dies, orone confifting of marvelous diffimilar and hete- rogeneal -parts. That Chrif's Body inHeaven is not Flefh and Bloodat all,muft be confeft by all true Expofi- tors of r Cor. 15. 5o. Flejh andBlood caznot enter into the Kingdom ofGod. The Contextfheweth that it is not Sin, but natural proper Fief!) and B/ood that is theremeant: And whowill believe that glorified Bodies are Flefh and Blood, whoever well confidered, I. what Fle/h and Blood is, and for what ufe ? 2. Inwhat Region glorified Bodies dwell ; and that the Inhabitantsare every where Connatural to their Region. 3. That the Text faith ?'hey areSpiritual Bodies, I3 And