( $) And if Chrift's Body in Heaven be no Flefh or Blood, and his! Body on Earth be both then either he path two Bodies, or very heterogeneous parts of one. 4. It is a Contradidion to fay that there are Accidents, which are not the Accidents ofany Subftance, (either of Bread, Chrifi's Body, or any thing ,elfe : -). For, Accidentis efj'e eft in ese, it is relative : The forefiid Author p. 96., hash told you, 1. For Oaantity, : a Pound, or, Inchof no- thing; a long, or broad, or thick nothing ; a Pint,,or Quart ofnothing, are Contradiáions. 2. For theNum- ber of Wafers, or Cups ofWine,to put twenty, or forty, or-,án hundred nothings, is a Contradi4ion. 3. For Fi- gure, a,rou;sd,-or fyuare _nothing, is a Contradiction. 4. A f\veet nothing ; a (harp,, or auftere nothing, inftead of Wine, is a Contradiction. So an odoriferous nothing a rough, or fmoothnothing ; a red, or a white nothing; a nothing featedon theAltar more than another place, &c. all there areContraditions. .And he Bath there íhewed you that it is a Contradidi- on for nothing to have real effeus : for nothing really to no,irifh, and become 'Fle/h andBlood in him that eateth it: yea, for nothing to be eaten ; for nothing to turn to real excrements ; for nothing to make aMan drunk, as Wine doth : God can do all that are works of Power, but to verifie there Contradictories, is no workof Power. 6. God cannot lye, faith the Apol:le, and Nature it fell; elfe Faith had no certainty at all, the formal Ob- jed failing. To lye,;isto give fúlfe deceiving figns ofthe matter, and ofthe Authors mind: And if God's Natural Revelation to Senfe it;felf be E lfe, yea to all MensSen- fes ; cloth not that make a- lye. as well as a falfe Word, l3rophefe, or Vifion ? God's Natural Revelations are known by all Men certainly to be his own,, and fo are bn. not