Baxter - BX1763 B28

(9) not the Prophetical : All know that God made Mans se/4e to be the ivatural perceiver of fenfable O'fedds, that as ienfed, they mightbe perceived naturally by the Intel le : And fuppofing theObjec%, sente, Intellect`, and Me- dium duly qualified, ifnowwebedeceived,Nat.ural Reve- lation faileth, or is fa lfe, and we haveno remedy:, So that to make God's Natural Revelation toSenfe, and by Senfe to the Intel1eó, to be falfe to all the found Senses in the World, is to make God, blafphemouíly, the greateft Lyarin the World ; and this God cannot be, becaufe he is God. And now, I pray youwhat .doth theDocirine of Rare- faaiòn and corideh(ation make:againfl any, of this that I have faid:? Apply it to any one ofthefe Contradictions, and try Whether it will prove,them no Contraditions ? Though your definitions of them are ridiculous, ( viz. that Rarefaiion is a littleMatter under agreat Q2antity, and eondenfation is agreat deal of Matter under a little na zt ty ; andthis you fay is the ancient and commonly re- ceived Definition) yet this,. were it fo, is nothing to our bufinefs. Rarefacgionmaketh. the Quantity ofMatter no more, but only more di fufed, or .exten(ive as to Space ; and Space and Q ntity are not all one : And Condenfati- on makethnot the Matter to be of /ifs Qantity, but on- ly to poßéfs lets ;Space You thewhow great a hhilofo- plier you are:. _ But Both Rarefation make Accidents without a Subjetit, or Effc!'.c without a real-Cattire ; or Mat- ter>ro be added to Matter without atáornenting it ; or the fame Matterto be changed into other Matter, and yet ceafce to be the fame Matter it was ; or anyofthe reJ. And what if a Spirit, which is circumfcriptively in no pL.ce, may be laid to be definitively, or operatively, in mt.- nyplaces at once:? Will you fay the fame ofa Body, and B2