Baxter - BX1763 B28

Cio) fomake Body and spirit to be the fame? A Spirit is inds' vifle, and fo is not matter ; but yet I make not this the Controvertie. I know not how near Chrift's Body is to a Spirit, which is called fpiritual 5 but if it be ma- terial, and yet in many places at once, it mua be by, Parts ; one Part in oneplace, and another part in another place. For a material Body not to poifefs its proper- place according to its Quantity and Parts, is,a Contra-. didion : And whatever you will fayof Chriff's,Heaven- ly Body, lure you will not fay that his fuppofed Flee 44eí Blood is not material, or a true Body : And therefore ei- tiler Chrift hath as manyBodies, or elfe as many Pieces, or Parts ofone Body, as there are Confecrated pieces of Bread, perhaps many ThoufandMiles diffant from each other. Yet I will confefs to you , that as if aThoufand vifible Apples could grow on one fpiritual, or invifible Tree, they would be all Parts of that one Tree 5 fo you could prove,that a Thoufand material vifible Wits areunited by appofition toone fpiritual invifible Body of Chrift as Parts, they would all be Farts of that one Body but marveloufly heterogeneal. But what's; all this to the forefaid ContradicTtions ? But you have recourfe to theMiracle of Chriff's rnci; elation, to falve the Objefion fetcht from senfe: But what mean you by that ? Did you think that it is Mira- cles that we objeft againfl ? or that every Miracle is a Contradiolion, or contrary to well-qualified Senfe ? What is there in Chriff's Incarnation, Conception, or. Birth,,, which is a Contraditiion, or againf senfe,' or Reafon There is indeed much that is above the reach of Reafon without Revelation; but nothing that is against senfe,or informed Reafon : For, what fbould it be ? Is it impof bie for God to impregnate a Virgin,, any more than to make