II ) makeEve ? Or is it impoflible for God; to take a humane Nature intoUnion with the Divine ; when as all things are foneerly dependant on him, that he is, as they fay, in timior intimo nojtro ? and it is harder to confute that Pla- tonifl,who taketh God to be the Soul oftheUniverfe, and all things to be as it were his Body andAccidents, than to prove it impoffible for him to . be united to one.. What elle net your Fanaticks, Fryar Benedict. Angl. ipRegulaperfe[t. to make it Mans perfection to, believe that there is nothing but God.? And for the Dosrine of, the Trinity, it is no more a Contradi&ion, than to hold that the Mental Natureor Spirit is informed by a Vertue or Faculty, which is One eifentially, andThree refpettively, as to the 4ts and ob- jetts, viz. TheFaculras-vitalis-atiiva, Intellecrtiva & Vo- litiva ; or, that the fenfitive Soul.hath.a formal Faculty, which is One.and_Three, viz. XIiva, Perceptiva, 4ppeti- tiva.; or, that Fire .hath a Trin-une power-_ Motive,. 11- luminative, er Calefaíive. When Trinity in unity is imprinted on all Alive Natures, will you find out a Contradiaion in ,it ? If itwere Three .Fences, and yet: bnt One Effence: ; or Tire/ Perfuns, and' yet but One Per- fon, in the fame fenfe and refpea, it were a Contradi- £ion. And is here any deception of our well diCpoted Senfes, or any Lye ? Becaufe God hath many Works which:.fi:rpafs the power of natural fecond Caufes, in their ordinary wayofworking ; and becaufe he hathma- ny whichwe cannot knowwithout fupernatural Revela- tion, will you thence infer that hemay be the great De- ceiver of the World, and may deliver Contradibions as his Truth ? As if Miracles were all Lyes and Contradic`ti- ons. You fay that Chri7 appeared to>:S._ Mary in the fhapeof a Gardner,