Baxter - BX1763 B28

(12) Gardner. And what of that ? Either difla ce, ot want! of light, or obfervation did hinder her from difcernin his proper Vilage, and then its nothing to our Cafe ; Or elle he really af fumed a yifage different from that which the had formerly íeen : And if fo, here was no decepti- on of Senfe, any more than in the apparition ofan An- gel ; nor no more than à Masked pet-Con doth deceive anothers Senfe, becaufe he would not be -known ' nót` any more than when one knoweth not his old Friend, when Age or Sicknefs hathchanged him. Tag, 4. You, didwith a neceffary craft pal" over your Dh5ors Explications of the; - Myftery;'ràs knowing thai theydo but deter the-Contradi1ions. You here tell us of E [me of the learnedeft of the En- glifh Clergie (or Church) that confefs the. hoyEuchari;'f, af- ter Confccration,-tö be really and truly.4Ur Saviours ?Body, and therefore falldown before ii, andadore it andfor this caufe difown the New Rubrick` of the Cam'mon-Prayer Book, which faith, our LordsBody is in Heaven, and not on the Altar. rhefe Doc`lors will tellyou that they acknowledge' the thing, only they dare not be fo bold mss. the Romanifls to determine the manner. Andoneof the learnedeft of them, Mr. Thorndike, asks, why cannot onr Saviour appear to us in what Jhape he pleafeth, in the 'hope of a Gardner, or if it fo pleafe him, in the fhape of Bread and wine? ] To which I anfwer, 1. That New Rubrick is but the old reffored : So you call our Religion New.. 2. Thofe may well pals with you forthe muff learned, who pleafe you belt, while you confer` Degrees. 3.. Such as you . teach men to refufè Kneeling at the Receiving of theSa- crament, (as one ofyou that is mentioned in the Life of Bishop fall) by thus periWading men, that the Englifh Clergy believe Tranfubtfaritiation, and adore according- ly.