Baxter - BX1763 B28

(14) 3. To leave us that Body which was true Flefh and Blood, capable of breaking, /bedding, pain, and death, is one thing ; and to give us his glorified Body, is another thing : This is not capable of breaking,Jbedding, pain, or death , being a fpiritual, immortal, incorruptible Body. Therefore indeed, the Eucharist is thrifts Body andBlood reprefentative, but not of fuch aBody as he hath now glorified, but fuch as was truly Flefh and Blood, which he once offered ; the benefits of which Sacrifice are real- ly given us in and by the Euchariff. But tohave left us a Body to be broken and (lain, which cannot be(lain, and Flefh And Blood which is not Flefh and Blood, but fpi- ritual, is a ContradiLion. But ifChrift have twoBo- dies, or one confifting of parts fpiritual, glorified, and of real Flefhand Blood, then indeed onepart of this may be Bill a Sacrifice. 4. But taking it (as ou here do) abflraetedly from GodsWill, and as in it Pelf confidered ; what reafon can you give us, why chrifl's true offering of himfelf in Sa- . crifice once for all, should not be as great a Benefit and Love-Token, as our offering him daily ? The holyrip- ture (Heb..i o. 14. telleth us, that [by one offering B he bath perfelted for ever them that are fanaifred ] and v. Io, I I, 12. that by the will of God we are fantlifed through the once offering of theBody of 7e(us Ghrifl : and every Prie/l ftandeth daily miniftring, and offering often- times thefame sacrifices, which can never take awayfins; but this Man after he hadoffered one sacrifice forfins, for ever fate down on the right-hand of God.] But you will tell us what a benefit it wouldbe to offer Chrift often ? Doyou really break, wound, hurt, and kill him in your offering., or do you not ? If not, how is it a sacrifice ? and how is he the (lain Lamb ofGod that takethaway the