( IS) the fins of the World ? And what Sacrificing, or fatis- faCtory 'Life can it have, tobe offered without breaking, hurt, or death ? Is it a living, or dead Body of Chrift that you .offer ? Ifa living Body unhurt, it is none of the Sacrifice the Scripture mentioneth of Chrift: And how is' it propitiatory for fin ? If it be a deadBody, was it ever alive ? If not, 'tis not Chrifl's : Ifyea, whokilleth him? And if it be his living, glorified, impafhble Body that you offer, how unlike is that to Chrif}'s offering ? And why callethhe theBread andwine, his Body and Blood, which a glorified Body is not ? It's mofl evident that Chrift fpeakethof his fullerinv Body, andnot ofhis glorified Body that cannot fuller : And if fo, alai' we tell God what a benefit it would be to r, ifevery Prieíf may become as the fens, the killer ofJefus Chrift ; that he may break his real Flefh, and let out his real Blood ? Chrift did not this himfelf. He confented to be killed, but he killed not himfelf. And what Man of Senfe can doubt but he fpeaketh of a Reprefentative Boaj' and Blood at his loft Supper, when his real Body was not broken, nor flain, nor his Blood, till after ; unlefs Chrift had two Bodies, one firft killed by himfelf, and eaten by his Difciples ; and the other killed after by the errs. I marvel whether anyPapifl believe in his Confcience, that Peter, and fohn, and the refr,did believe at that Sup- - 'per, that they did eat Chrift's real Fleili, and drink his Blood ? What, they that did not underftand before his Refurreaion that-:!he was todye as a Sacrifice for fin, and rife again, though he oft told it them ? For fo ex- prefly faith the Text, yob) 12. 16. Luke 18. 3 r, 32, 3 3, 34. and 24. 205 2 I. If it had been believedby theta, why is there no mention of any of their wonder at fuch a Miflery, as that their Saviour Mould at once be in their C Belly,