ßi6`) Belly, and in their. fight ? I can fcarce believe that Man that faith he believeth that they believed that then they did eat Chrii%'s very Mai and Blood. But perhaps force of you will take up a late mart Conceit, that Chriff at his Taft Supper did not cerebrate, but only in.Ftitute that Sacrament : which I am afhamed to flay to anfwer. For our parts, we take it for a greater mercy that Chriff doth reconcile us to God, and put away our fins, by once' offering himfelf in Sacrifice, inflead ofthe old Sacrifices that muff be often repeated, than ifhe had bid us kill, or break, or offer his real Body and Blood often. And we take it for a greater mercy that we may daily offer this RepreTentative Body and Blood, and Commemo- rative Sacramental Sacrifice, than to have broken the real Body of Chriff our felves daily, and flied his Blood. But I wonder not that they that can believe, or take on them to do it in fpite of all Mens senfes, can do it alfo in fpight of Scripture, Reafon, andCon(cience. I confers there is fornething in whatyou fay, p.7. It would have been an incentive to munificence in adorning Churches with the richeft Gold and pretious Stones, and whatever elfe that's rare and fplendid ; and alfo to en- rich and magnifie the Prie!t,that can inffrumentally make God ofBread, andSacrifice himwhen he hathdone ; or fet him on the Altar, or keep him in a Bog. But to the entertainingofChrift into the heart by Faith and Love, a Reprefentative Sacrifice feemeth more meet for us to exercife : And Chrift faid to `Thom", 6lefled are they that have not pen, and have believed. Your third Affertion is, that [ The .Bread and mine in the holy Eucharifi, are by the Omnipotent Power ofGodat-la- stly, and indeed changed into theBody and Bloodofour blip:, sa,iowr7eJimChri ft nfwo.