Baxter - BX1763 B28

cii) true Church, and in a flare ofLife, whom the Apolrfes Baptized, without the profefiion ofany fuch Belief? Q.: 5. What was the creed, the symbolum fidei ufed for, if not to ditlinguifh the Faith of the Chrif}ian Church from Infidelity, Herefie, and all without ? And if all the Decrees of Councils be as neceffary to be the Syynbol of Faith, why were they not all made up into a Creed ? andwhy is the Creed differenced from them all to this day ? And whydo you not caufè the Baptized to recite and profefs all thefe Councils Decrees, but only the old Chrit`lian Creed ? 6. Dothnot Chrifl at the Inflitution of his Sacra- ment, Mat. 28. exprefly promife that he that believeth ( according to Baptifm, in the Father, Son, and Holy Gho/I) /ball belaved? 7. Is it not a reproach to God and the ChrifrianRe- ligion, to tell the World that God bath written us by his Spirit fo great a Book as theBible is, and yet there is not in it enough to Salvation, but that abundance un- necefjary toSalvation is in it, and fomeneceflary things left out ? 8. Have your Oral fuperadded Traditions more Evidence of Truth than the Bible, or moreEvidence of Neceffity tobe believed ? Not more Evidence of Truth: For you confefs the certain Truth ofall theBible, and that as fully manifefl as.your Additions. Ifit have more Evi- denceof Neceffity, what is it ? It is not becaufe it isa Di- vine .Revelation: For fo you confefs all theBible to be ? Anddo youpretend to a Tradition that faith, [Youmay be Caved without nmofl of theBible, though it be ofGod,' but not without falling onFrydays, or on the Vigils of Saints-days, or other fuch Traditions ? ] But if you will make both thewhole Bible and Tradition necef jary to be B z be-