Baxter - BX1763 B28

(i .8t been the tenth-; let us hear your Inference:.' You ,fay,., [=Then it muff necefarily be taught. in the frft Age by the Apo/Iles, to their ftrf Converts over allthe world; _ and car, fequently be malt certainly true : For it cannot be doubted but that the firfi Converts did under fand shat was taught them-, believe aaad el eem it as highly nece j ry to them and their Children.].- Then none can doubt hut that they could .endwould anddid teach the eeryfame Doítrine which they fo highly e;áeemed, &c. Anfw Thus force over-wile Perfons can .fit in their Clofets,and tell frommoil real Caufes, what,nodotiht,was dóne in all Ages of the World : And why canyou not as infallibly prophefie from fuch Gaufes, what will be done, and fo get the reputationof a wife Man indeed ? As one that would infallibly foretel. that his Party Mould, Battel, becaufe they were Men that loved themfelves and their Country, and,thereforewould not wilfully deftroy, or defersboth 5 and therefore .would not run away For they know that more are killed when they flye, than when they ffand-to it and if they donot run, the Enemy will, as ordinary Experience fheweth erg they muff needs conquer. But when-he was asked why all the.. fame things might not be laid of the Ene -. mies,and when he fhortly heard,,defato, that the Enemy had got theday, his great Argument was unanfwerabl. confuted. But let, us come to the tryal. i "will better argue from your Medium,againfyou :. The far greatef part of Chrifians in the World are a- gainfl'Tranfubftantiation at this day ; therefore fo were tleir.Fore-fathers, and their Fore-fathers, till you come up to the. Apofflcs.. That it is fo at this day requireth no better Proof than have : more knowledge in the. Rate of the Worlds, or more.