C.1.9 more' honefty in reporting it than you have. Fag. 16. 'you fay [..Tire whole World förrerly., in a manner, Pagan, except: a handful of Jews is now become Chr f ian.] Reams der, Is this Man like to tell yon what all the Chrillian Worldheld,in former Ages, from filch a Medium as their latter Belief, that can no better tell what the Chrif}ian World is ? Look over the Globe, or Mapof the World, and let this Man tell you whichbe the Countries that are Chritian ; and then take the Mcafure there of their Pro- portion your fell. Or to lave you the labour, read any credible Author that reparteth it. Brierrroocw inhis quirks, one of the bat, tells us, after-the naming of the feveral Countries of each Religion, that if you divide the Known World into Thirty Parts, nineteen are Pagan Idolaters , fix are Mahometans, and five are Chriflians of all forts : But this Man is not afhamed to fay, that, excert.a handfrsl ofJews, the whole world in a manner Pa- e an, is now become Christian. All the Pagans of ,i;'rica, and America, and fa,. and all the Mahometans are no- thingtohim even five fixth parts of theKnown World. And, alas,.how little probability is there that the terse incognit e, the vafr unknown Regions, fhould be Chrifli- an: Pure if they were governed by the Pope, he would know them. He that can Tranfubflantiate all the Pa- gans, and Mahometans on Earth, into Chrif}ians and make Men believe that five parts of fix of Mankind are now of a Religionwhich theypartly knownot, andpart lyabhor, may, not di[pair hence to prove Tranfuflanti- anon. But howmany of this fïxth part of the World are Papijis ? A Bifhop Bra ihall faith, that about the fifth part of the Chrifhians of the World are Papiífs : Others' ;think about a fourth part, not meafuring by the large- tnefsn of. their. Dominions (for few in. the-Xing of Spain's we/r-