20) weft-pokes are Chriflians ) but by the Number of Pro- feffors. But the molt that ever I knew any underftand- ing impartial reckoner allow them, is to be the third part of Chriflians ; comparing them with the Abaßnes,Cop- ties, Syrians, Armenians, Gregorians, the Greek-Church, andMufcovites, and all the Prote(tants, 6-c. Andwhen the Empire of Abaflia was greater by many Kingdoms, and the Kingdomof Nubia was not revolted, and many great Countries ofthe GreekReligion werenot yet turned Mahometans, the Papifts were proportionably much lefs a part than now. And thoughmofr of thefè will fay, as we do,that the Bread and Wine are Chrift's Flefh &Blood (not which is in Glory, but whichmaSacrificed for us on Earth) yet few, ifany, ofall there do hold real Tranfub- ftantiation. Ifhe fay the contraryof them, Travellers, andAuthors enowof their own can confute him (How fhamcfully they have changed the lEthiopick Liturgie, as to their fènfe,by the altering ofone wordBifhop U(f er hath fhewed from the true Copies ; and by fuch tricks they can, by a Printer, make all the World Papifts : and I would the Pope had no other fort of Subjects to uphold his Monarchy, than fuch as are fo made.) I appeal now to any impartial reafon, whether I may not better argue againft Tranfubftantiation, becaufe two or three parts ofthe Chriftian World are againft it, than he can argue for it, becaufe a third or fourth part are now for it, or were fo in the twelfth, or the tenth Century. But perhaps he will fay, that they are ofthefame Reli- gion that they ever were, butfo are not the Protefiants. I anfwer, r. TheProteilants will not undertake that none of their Anceftors from the beginning were in this, or other points, erroneous : Ifthe Papifts will, it is fuitable to theirother undertakings : But that we are ofthe fame Reli-