Baxter - BX1763 B28

Religion which all true Chrifrians were of from the be- ginning, theGame Baptifrn, the fame Creed, thefame Lords- Frayer and Decalogue, and the fame Scriptures, owned, íhew : and the Lords-Supper Adminiflred in the farne- words as Chrifl and his Apoftles and the ancient Chur- ches did. 2. But ifthe Proteff ants had not been of the fame Faith with their Anceílors, what's that to the reft that are more than all the Papifts ? It's notable to read in their Godiinus de rebrss Abaf/inorum, how an old Woman ( the EmperorsMother) confuted,or baffled the Learned papift that came with Oviedo to pervert them to the Pope, by pleading the Tradition of their Fore-fathers, that had delivered them their Religion, andnever told them of the Pope. And how tenacious the Greeks are of their Religion as received from their Fathers, their very fliffnefs againft the Roman In f ertionof [ Filioq; ] in- to the Creed, fufficiently theweth. 3. But that really thePapifts are Innovators,and have changed the old Reli- gion in this Point,as we have oft fullyproved out of Anti- quity, fo we need no other Proof than the exprefs words ofScripture ; which (to pats by the reff) in one Chap- ter in the three next Verfes a cor. i r. 26, 27, 28.) doth three times call it [Bread ] after Confecration. And I never met with a Writer fo impudent as dare deny but their leaving out the Cup to the Laity in the Lords- Supper is a change from the ancient Pradice of the Church. And yet will this Medium ferve our Rational Difcourfer ; The prefent church leaveth out the cup, ergo fo did their Forefathers, and fo did the Apoftles ? And let him tell me, with the Face of a Man, ifhe can, whe- ther he think in his Confcience that our Anceftors, or the firft Converts of the Apoffles, were not more likely to mierftandand remember whether the Bread and Cup. were.