2.2 were bothdelivered by the Apoffles, or theTBread alone; than to underhand and remember in what fence it was that the Bread and Wine was called Chriff's Body and Blood. In fuin, r. We believe that all true Chrifiians have the fame Religion whichwas frft received from the Apo- files. 2. We are fore that they kept not all the. fame Pu- rity, and Integrity of that Religion ; As fore fell quite away to Paganifm, and Mahumatanifin, and fome to Arrianifine, and other Herefies ; fo force that fell not fo far, fell to leffer Errors. 3. And we do undertake to prove, contrary to this Difcourfer, that the generalityof the Churches for many Ages, and the moil ofthe Cbri- tlian World to this day, held not, and hold not Tranfub- fiantiation. II. I farther ufe his own-Argument againff him ; At this day, the greateít part ofthe Church, by far, and in the fourthCentury, that which they themfelves call the Univerfilchurch, denyed the Pope's Primacy (much more his S.veraknty) to be of Divine 1n/ß itution : Therefore fodid the frít Converts ofthe Apoffles. If the Confe- quence be good in your Cafe, it is much more in this. r. You falfly feign all theChurch to havebeen for Tran- fubífantiation, but I fliall undeniably prove what I urge them for, as being againff the Divine Inf}itution ofthe Roman Primacy. 2 .And this is a Point likelier to be com- monly underftood and remembred, than the meaningof thewords [ Body and Blood.] I prove the Antecedent. r . That moll Chrifrians now are againfl. it, is.a mat- ter ofFad commonlyknown : Two or three pares ofthe Chririan World being no Su.bjeds of the Pope at all, viz. Thofe before, mentioned. 2. That in the fourth and fifth Century the Churchwas ofthis judgment, ap- peareth