(23 ) peareth by the moll exprefs words of one of the four Great General Councils, even that at Calcedon, which faith, [ Dej nitiones fanctorum Patrum fequextes :4111;6- 1?egulam, & que nunc relecha font i 5o Deo amantijJ/mo- rum Epifeoporum, qui Congregati font fobpie memorie Im- peratore majore Tbeodofio in Regia Civitate Conftantinop. nova Roma, Cognofcentes & nos eadem definivimus de pri- vilegio ejufdem fánct ifr. Conftantinop. Eccle fe, novee Rome: Etenim fèdi fenioris Rome,propter ImperiumCivitatis illi , Patres confegrtenter privilegia reddidcrunt : & eadem in- tentionepromoti 15o Deo amantif. Epifcopi qua fanc7if- .17me fedi nove Rome privilegia tribuerunt, rationatiliter judicantes Imperio & ènatu urbern ornatam egos fenioris Regie Rome priviiegzis frui.] that is [" We following " alway the definitions of the holy Fathers and the Ca- " non, and knowing thofe things which now have been 4C. read ofthe 15o Bifhops moff beloved of God, that were " Congregated under the Emperour, of pious memory, " Theodofw, the greater, in the Royal City, Cortflantino- "pie, New Rome, have our felves alfo defined the fame " things concerning the Priviledges of the fame mofi ho- " ly Church of confiantinople, New Rome : For, to the " Seat of Old Rome, becaufe of the Empireof that City, " the Fathers confequently gave the Priviledges : And " the i 5o Bithops molt beloved of God, being moved " with the fame intention, have given equal Priviledges " to the moil holy Seat ofNew Rome ; reafonably j udg- " ing that the City, adorned with the Empire and. Senate, " 4hall enjoy equal Priviledges with Old Regal Rome,] Here you fee, i. That two ofthe four greateff Gene- ral Councils concur. 2. That they profefs herein to follow the old Definitions, and Rule. 3. That they canes elude that Romes Priviledges weregiven it by theFathers. D 4. And