( 24 ) t}; And that becaufe of the Imperial Seat. 5. And there- fore they give equal priviledges to conflantinople. The Teftimony is fuch as nothing but impudent vio- lence can put by: either they (peak true,or not: Ifnot,then how come twoof the greateff General Councils foquick- ly to falfifie the Tradition of the Apoftles ? Did theynot underftand what their Fathers had delivered to them? or did they diíefteem it, or forget it ? Ifthey fake truth, ( as theydid) yon fee that Rome bath no priviledges, or primacy, from God's tuflitution, but ( like Canterbury) in our Empire by the Princes and Fathers Gift. Which is fo hire, that be muff put off common Inge.. nuity,that confiderately will deny its having not only this Teflimonÿ of two Grand Councils, but the continued opinionofall the Greek-church, even before their divifi- on from the Roman : For, let anyMan rationally Anfwer nie this Argument. [The whole Greek Church knew that a Divine Ingitution w.es to be preferred befóre a Hu mane : The whole Greek-Church knew that Conftantino plc was not by Divine, but by Humane In.Ftitution, me -de Patriarchal or equal with Rome, and yet were for its Patriarchate and equality, if not priority : Therefore the whole Greek-Church jied ed Romes Patriarchate and Pri- macy to be of Humane, and not ofDivine Inflitestion. I have larglier proved this elfewbere. III. I give you another Argument with your own Medium. [The U»iverfit Church in the time of theCoun- cils o fConfiance and Bafil, judged that a Pope might be a wicked Heretick, and as fuch be depofed 5 and that it is dé fide, that Councils have power fo to do : Ergo,tbis was the Doólrine of the Apo,yles to their Converts.] And yet the Councils at theL.Ztergne=under Loo theTenth, and Flo- rence,