C25) rnce,deterrnine that the Pope is above a Council. What Self-contraditors now do you make the Apoflles to be ? How could the Councils of Bafil and Confiance believe that Councils are above thePope, and that he may be a fallible wicked Heretick, unlefs they had received it down from theApoflles ? And howcould the Councils at the Laterane, and Florence, judge the contrary,. unlefs they had received it down from the Apoflles ? Will neither Reafon nor Experience make you aflaamed of cheating the World by fuck filly Inferences? IV. But yet I will come nearer you : The fame Gene- ral Council at the Llterarce, fah Iranoc. . which ßrfl decreed for the Belief of Tranfubffantiation, did in the verynext Canon and words, decree, That all Temporal Lords fhould exterminate from their Dominions all inch, as Hereticks, that denyed this Traniì:bflantia.tion ; and if they did not exterminate them, fhould be excommuni- cate by the Pope ; and ifyet they did it not, the Pope fhould depofe them,, and abfolve their Vaffals from their Allegiance, and give their Dominions to another. Now either they had this by Tradition from their Anceflors, and fo from theApoflles, or not : Ifnot, why fhould you dream that the Council had the fecondCanon from the Apoffles, and not the third? Ifyea : Then, i . We fee what we muff expert from your Religion : The King muff exterminate all Proteflarits (and other Decrees fay, Burn them) or elfe be depofèd himfel£ To extermi- nate us all, will be alooft to depofe himfelf. Kind Sir, whither fhall we all go ? or who fhall burn fo many ? It will be a greater incendium than that of London, or South- wark : And who (hall be the Kings Subjehs ? Who fhall Plant Egg/and anew ? The French,..,Spaniards, or /tali-. 444-?'But :What if in this fortunate Ifland they alp fhould D z awa-